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Varmint Gone

About Varmint Gone

Varmint Gone began offering wildlife removal services and wildlife damage repair in 1984. Over the years, we developed unique and permanent techniques to safely eliminate and remove squirrels, bats and snakes.

What are those noises in my attic? Ghosts or bats in attic?

What are those noises in my attic in my home? Ghosts or bats in attic? The first thing some people think of when hearing strange noises in their attic are “Ghosts.” The times when these noises usually occur are very early in the morning anytime between 12:00 am to 5:00 am. Since the house is very [...]

By |2017-03-01T06:28:27+00:00August 12th, 2015|Bat Removal|Comments Off on What are those noises in my attic? Ghosts or bats in attic?
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