Are you hearing scurrying, scratching and other strange noises coming from you attic? If so, there is a great chance that you may have squirrels in your attic. Although these fluffy, little creatures seem harmless, they can pose many dangers to you and your home.

The Dangers Squirrels Can Cause

First and foremost, it is important to know that squirrels are the leading cause of house fires across the United States. This is due to their excessive chewing of electrical wiring that they find in your home and in your attic. Squirrels teeth, like many other rodents, never stop growing. This means that they are constantly trying to find things to chew on to keep them worn down. This also means that they can chew around the exterior of your home, creating large hole and access point for them to get into. Over time, these holes will lead to an immense amount of water damage, which can cost you thousands to repair. In addition, squirrels also ruin your attic insulation by urinating and defecating on it. Soiled insulation can lead to an increase in your electricity bill and will lead to your home being colder in the winter months. Eventually, the feces and urine will lead to stains on your ceiling, not only smelling foul, but breathing in these fumes can be harmful to you and your family.

Removing Squirrels On Your Own Is A Bad Idea

Although having squirrels in your home is a pesky situation and it can be easy to want to turn to the “DIY” option, this isn’t always the best choice – Especially if you have no previous wildlife removal experience. One of the main reasons this is not a good idea is because you are not using the right kind of removal method. Trying to live-trap a squirrel is next to impossible. This is why our team at Varmint Gone uses a one-way door system, which allows the squirrels to leave humanely but they can no re-enter through that access. Also, extensive and thorough sealing is required and one must know the correct areas to look for accesses. Simply sealing a hole you find will not fix the problem. The squirrels will easily find another access point. Additionally, the correct materials must be used in order to keep the squirrels from chewing through them, such as the steel mesh we use. Plastic or wood barriers are very easy to chew through and should not be used. Lastly, the clean up and sanitation process is critical. Varmint Gone uses commercial grade disinfectant and deodorizes after we remove all soiled insulation and replace it with new insulation. This process can take a while and the correct precautions need to be taken.

Why Are Squirrels In My Home?

Squirrels are very creative when it comes to finding a way to get into a home. Squirrels can climb up various types of building materials, including almost every type of home siding – Even brick. Most notably, gutters create a “highway” for squirrels, which allow them to easily move along the roofline of your home until they find an access point. It is also important to note that squirrels can fit through any gap at least 1/4″ in diameter. Now, think of how many areas around your home fit that criteria! Other common areas that squirrels enter your home through include: construction gaps, ridge vents, roof edges and chimneys. Once squirrels make their way into your home, they will then set up a nesting site to have their babies – Thus creating a whole new generation to do further damage to your home.

What To Do If I Have Squirrels In My Home

After over 20 years of working with all types of squirrels and squirrel damage, Varmint Gone is the premier expert in this field! Our trusted and friendly team of experts want to ensure that we solve the issue permanently so that homeowners can feel safe in their home and know that their family is safe, once again. Learn more about our squirrel removal process and schedule an inspection with the specialists at Varmint Gone to help you assess your squirrel situation and so we can help keep the squirrels out!